10 Things You Should Never Say to a Translator

I came across this compilation over on translatorfun.com by Romina Bona. (She also creates brilliant comics about translators and their joys and struggles, btw, which are also for sale here.)…

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A Businesswoman Does All Work Tasks in Time. Freelance or Office Worker. Multitasking, Time Management, and Productivity Concept. Vector Flat Illustration.

Productivity methods

I recently wrote about my frustration with myself and the increasing feeling of overwhelm (I know that's not a noun [yet?], but if you keep reading, you'll find out where…

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Lee más sobre el artículo Back in the booth
translators cubicle . interpreting - Microphone and switchboard in an simultaneous interpreter booth . Soft focus of wireless Conference microphones and notebook in a meeting room.

Back in the booth

This week was my first assignment in a booth since the big C hit. I have interpreted since, but not in an actual physical booth, on-site, with a partner in…

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101 things a translator needs to know – #63

When is a door not a door?In all contexts, particularly technical texts, it is important to use the terms your readers themselves use. Even the simplest words that appear to…

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