It’s not too late!

The incredible, awesome, information-packed, fun... (I could go on and on with the positive adjectives here) Innovations in Interpreting Summit 2021 might be over - and that is sad, but…

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Terp Summit 2021 or: First CPD of the year

This past Monday through Wednesday was the premier of Terp Summit, a conference for interpreters that will hopefully be repeated and become a regular thing in the future, whether online…

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Let me tell you about two great guys (again)

I already wrote about them before, but I'm just so excited, I have to do it again, especially since they are about to publish another great resource, "The tablet interpreting…

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101 things a translator needs to know – #94

Take responsibility and get creditLots of clients won't be able to judge the translation you deliver - after all, it's in another language. The same applies to many typesetters and…

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