Searching for Words

I have been swamped with work these last weeks, so my apologies for the long-ish silence…

But as recompense, I offer you a link to a great website full of very helpful information (The Editorium) and a taste of one very useful one, namely  instructions for Advanced Find and Replace for Microsoft Word.

This document contains a host of tips and tricks that turn the Search and Replace function in MS Word into a real and valuable tool. Did you know that you can search with codes or for special characters, like paragraph markers? This is really useful, for example when you copied text from a pdf and end up with all these extra paragraphs you neither need nor want. The solution hides in the Wildcard Mode, and the Editorium document gives several examples and easy step-by-step instructions on how to solve that problem (plus many more). 
And the best part: you don’t have to read through all that text again in order to find a specific code – there is a neat list of references at the end, listing it all, grouped by topics.

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